
E-STEPS project will increase the mobility of vocational school students from five EU countries by developing their knowledge and soft skills and will enable the digital integration of learning, teaching, training, and youth work as well as the development of a European area of skills and qualifications along with improvement of the competencies of adult educators. The activities undertaken in the project involve the creation and testing of innovative tools in the form of an e-learning platform and a set of educational materials (guides, e-learning courses, face-to-face workshop programmes and reports relating to the evaluation of the effectiveness of vocational education in the context of the needs of the youth labour market). 

achievement e-steps

Results of the project will include a report on the analysis of the needs of vocational education, an innovative, multi-lingual platform with workshop guides containing practical exercises, guides for educators, case studies of young participants and interviews with partners collaborating at international meetings. The results will be disseminated at conferences and communicated to all stakeholders using available communication channels. The project involves creating permanent changes in the teaching of students on vocational courses – enhancing their professional capacity and personality by developing soft skills that will help to increase mobility in the labour market and enable them to obtain a satisfactory occupation. 

Teachers covered by the project activities will benefit from the innovative tools that will fill an existing gap in vocational education for the related soft skills (Career Management Skills; Self-reflection (signature strengths, values, preferences), including self-worth and confidence; Emotional Intelligence; Managing mental health (stress management, resilience); Relationship building and networking). By participating in the study and analysis of the needs of vocational education, teachers will get the opportunity to compare their experiences in relation to the other partner countries. The project also directly supports the needs of all the participating entities, allowing them to develop and update experience as well as providing an opportunity to develop both professionally and personally.

Expected results of the project:

1  Providing an innovative e-learning platform for students and teachers.
2 Raising qualifications related to the labour market and career creation by students.
3 Raising professional qualifications related to the use of a modern tool in teaching by teachers.
4 Raising awareness among students, teachers, and opinion leaders about the role of soft skills on the labour market.
5 Improvement of soft skills in the labour market and career management among students, which in the future will contribute to an increase in their employment.
6 E-learning platform with materials placed on it (courses, workshops, guides with a collection of good practices, films).
7 Organization of the disseminating, educational, training, and didactic events.

The first Intellectual Output of the project is almost completed.

Since the beginning of the project, partners have been working on intellectual output 1, which is creation of an innovative e-learning platform. The course template, framework and materials have been already prepared. The remaining step of the IO is translation into partners native languages and transferring the course materials to the Moodle platform.

Next steps:

The project consortium already started their work on IO 2, which is development of workshop programmes – teaching materials.


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